Allegations of Slush Funds Unveiled at CMFEU
You may be asking… What is a Slush Fund?
- Slush funds have often been used to bribe or influence politicians and other influential persons in return for preferential treatment, to buy material nonpublic information, or to obtain other services.
If you don’t know who the CMFEU are:
- Registered >60 Years Ago (September 1962).
- They are the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union in Australia.
- Purpose: Defend & Advance the Safety + Conditions of Workers.
- 120,000 members and 400 Full-Time Staff + Officials
Image Source: The Conversation, 2024.
Tangled Ties, The CFMEU, Corruption, and the Underworld Connection
Example of the Corruption…
- An official from the CFMEU Health and Safety Committee, with an annual salary of $250k p.a., was part of the project to upgrade the Hurstbridge rail line.
- As part of their role, they were provided with a car (funded by the government) intended to conduct workers’ safety checks.
- However, it has been found the car was used for engaging in activities associated with a bikie gang.
Image Source: The Shovel, 2024
What is happening now?
- Allegations were brought to light by the media.
- CFMEU officials advise building companies to hire sub-contractors tied to bikie gangs & employ underworld figures for dispute resolution.
- Federal Government has threatened to de-register the Victorian Branch of the CFMEU
- John Setka, the long-serving & controversial secretary of the Victorian CFMEU, has resigned
- Investigation into any criminal links within the CFMEU is to be conducted by Victoria’s anti-corruption commission.
- Labor’s national executive plans to meet to discuss banning political donations from the Victorian branch at a federal level and considering
- State premiers’ have requested to suspend the union’s state party affiliations
Essential Takeaways for Aussie Employers
- Since July 2024 there has been a term added for workplace delegates’ rights in all modern awards, new enterprise agreements, and workplace determinations.
- If an enterprise agreement’s delegate rights term is less favourable than in a relevant modern award, the modern award term prevails.
Under these proposed changes, an employer would be prohibited from:
- Unreasonably ignoring a workplace delegate.
- Making false statements to a delegate knowingly or recklessly.
- Unreasonably hindering a delegate’s rights.
Keeping up with these changes and ensuring compliance can be complex and time-consuming. This is where our specialised HR services come into play.
Our team has deep understanding and expertise in Australian employment law & can help your business effectively manage and support these new workplace delegates.
Let marvinHR help you navigate these changes with ease.
Trust our outsourced HR solutions to keep your business compliant, efficient, and ahead of the curve. Contact us today, ella@marvinhr.com ┊ +61 8 6377 7605
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