Working closely with two very successful business leaders – Jack Bendat and Andrew Forrest – taught me lessons that we have used to transform many organisations since.
One of them is how to think through and present a new initiative.
With the former, it was to be on a single page, with the latter even less.
This discipline not only helps clarify one’s thoughts but provides a functioning tool for execution.
Here are nine questions to answer when constructing your one-page proposal.
1. Header: What is being proposed? Why?
2. Scope: Details of the Proposal and expected objectives – Qualitative/Quantitative.
3. Timelines: Decision Date | Commencement Date | Completion Date | Key Milestones.
4. Champion/Accountable Person – Who will own and be responsible for this?
5. People Needs & Impacts: What are the Roles & Responsibilities – Internal (costed), External (costed), and People Impacted?
6. Communication Protocols: Internal & External. Detail and Cadence.
7. What are the efforts, energies and initiatives, and how do they correspond to the expected results and objectives?
8. Financial Modelling – Investment (expenses) related incomes (revenues), forecast Earnings (profits) – CapEx and OpEx. Timelines, especially if multi-year.
9. Reporting and Accountability Milestones and Controls? – Material Deviations & Guidance – FYI (For Your Information – Communication), FYF (For your Feedback – Collaboration), FYC (For your Consent – Approvals), FYA (For your Action – Next Steps, Remedies, Scale).
The MarvinHR De-Brief – All it Takes is One Push-up [2024 Wrap Up]
The 3rd & final lesson of 2024. It is difficult to determine your priorities because the world changes so quickly. Getting a strategy right is crucial, as it can be