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Our focus is on Human-Centric, Analytics-Based HR, providing invaluable insights on recruiting, retaining, engaging, and empowering your workforce. 

With the latest trends, best practices, and data-driven strategies, you can make informed decisions to create a more productive and harmonious workplace.

4 April, 2024

For over two decades, we have been obsessed with the importance of HOW. Whilst Purpose (why), People (who) and Performance (what) are the three critical pillars of functional organisations, the

4 April, 2024

WEEKLY INSIGHT – 4-Day Work Week not without drawbacks! In the 1800s, Australian workers faced gruelling schedules, working six days a week for up to 14 hours each day without

28 March, 2024

1.       WEEKLY INSIGHT. It seems that we have forgotten the age-old wisdom of “working smarter, not harder”, as Australian workers are working more yet achieving less. According to the Annual Productivity

21 March, 2024

1. KEY INSIGHT HR managers, it’s time to ditch your rose-coloured glasses. You might think that 7.9 out of 10 of your employees are fully engaged. However, according to the Workplace Engagement Index, only

19 March, 2024

1. WEEKLY INSIGHTToday, our world is highly polarised; organisations must tread carefully when taking a stance on societal issues (HBR). It’s a gamble move because what might resonate with one

7 March, 2024

Every Thursday, you’ll get three critical insights and four recommended articles.You can subscribe using the form on the top right.Ella Barwood. 1. WEEKLY INSIGHTTomorrow, March 8th, is International Women’s Day.

11 December, 2023

40% OF YOUR EMPLOYEES WANT TO QUIT Gallup’s latest State of the Global Workplace Reports that 43% of employees in Australia intend to leave their current roles and are actively

4 December, 2023

During my career in management and consulting, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to work with numerous entrepreneurs and managers. Whilst many things were different, there were some commonalities –

27 November, 2023

We have strongly advocated strategic abandonment as an ongoing practice for organisations. And in these turbulent times, as Peter Drucker rightly wrote many years ago, “the enterprise has to be
